Global Warming - Facts? and Facts!
Friday, June 23, 2006
  Some real, accurate observations about the bigger picture of environmental destruction of which global warming is but a tiny part.
How about some real answers?

Nowhere in most articles about global warming, including the one I urge you to read following this section, is anything ever mentioned or suggested other than conservation of energy. There is rarely, if ever any real solution to the problem even hinted at. In the article by Paul Loeb, there was not a single reference to any serious effort at solving the problem - none! Other than the obvious political thrust of the article, conservation is all that is ever mentioned.

China and India, two of the most populous nations in the world, are rapidly accelerating their energy use as their burgeoning economies expand rapidly. These two nations each promise to dump far more CO2 into the atmosphere and dwarf any contribution from the US in a very short time. They are exempt from the Kyoto protocol. In both nations, pollution has already become overwhelming and deadly.

There are real, practical solutions. Not the government or the many university and public research groups, but the free-enterprise capitalist organizations in the US have it within their power to solve this problem and solve it quickly. No, not by stop-gap measures such as conservation, or very long range, pie-in-the-sky proposals like the hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle, but with real solutions that provide nearly boundless energy, fixed and portable, for buildings and vehicles and with very little modification to power plants large and small. All this while putting a complete stop to increases of atmospheric CO2. We have the technology to do it right now! We have the raw materials at hand. We have the people who know how to design and produce the infrastructure, the power plants, the vehicles and their engines large and small. They are already here and working! A complete changeover can be handled in as little as ten years.

The benefits to our nation and to the world are staggering: no drilling in pristine places, no imported petroleum, no huge investment in a radical new distribution system, no obsolescence of current vehicles, no drain on our resources as we send increasing billions to oil-rich nations. Instead we are looking at numerous and widely spread small fuel producers, producers of safe and efficient fuel out of totally renewable resources - right here in out own country. Many more high-paying jobs right here! The billions now going to the middle eastern nations will stay right here at home.

The answer is detailed in a little book titled, "A Convenient Solution" by Howard Johnson. This book is currently being updated to reflect the rapidly progressing elements of this amazing answer to our growing energy crisis and should be published by fall of 2006.

To read escerpts of the book click: A Convenient Solution, Excertps.
For an overview of the book, click:
A Convenient Solution, overview
For information on alternative fuels, click: Alternative Fuels.

Another, far more important point:

I have for at least twenty years given lectures on a far more comprehensive problem of which global warming is but a very small part. The current name of this lecture is: "The Decimation of the Environment - The Real Culprit." This is the real, root cause of virtually all of our growing environmental problems and is what will ultimately bring about our total demise and the collapse of the entire world of human societies.
Text of the current lecture can be read by clicking on: An Unmentionable Menace!

My son gave me a book for Father’s Day entitled, "Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" by Jared Diamond, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Guns, Germs, and Steel.". This book, published in 2005, Says, in fine detail, how and why past societies have died out, literally. It also projects where we are headed. It details precisely what I have been saying in my lecture for at least twenty years even using one of the same examples I have used in my lectures, Easter Island.

To my mind, this book is far far more important and definitive than Al Gore’s movie, yet I can guarantee it will not get but a tiny fraction of the attention (if any) that the movie is getting. This is probably because it is not political and isn’t primarily a "bash someone for political purposes" book. At the back of the book are listings of many articles, studies and references to more in-depth information relating to the content of the book.

If you want a real, highly definitive look at our earth, society and where we are headed environmentally and what we can realistically do and expect, I urge you to get and read this book. It doesn’t blame George Bush or Bill Clinton or liberals or conservatives for mankind’s insatiable appetite for sex and procreation that is now inundating Europe with Muslim immigrants and the US with Latino immigrants. It does describe the human foolishness that has, in the past, brought about the cruel death of all individuals in certain societies and draws the conclusion that, unless we do something immediately, the whole of mankind could suffer the same cruel fate and in the very near future.

Unfortunately, not only will mankind be cruelly eliminated, but most other life on earth as well.
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Location: St Augustine, Florida, United States

Among other things I am a father, grandfather, brother, uncle and fortunate member of a large and loving family without a throw-away in the bunch. Now a writer of quips, essays and short stories, I started serious writing and my first novel at age 70. A chemical engineering graduate of Purdue University in 1949, I am a dreamer who would like to be a poet, a cosmologist, a true environmentalist and a naturalist. I've become a lecturer on several subjects. That's my little buddy, Charlie, with me in the photo. He's an energetic, very friendly Lhasa Apso born in September, 2003. He's a good one!

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